Morningside Country Club
Sandton, Gauteng Central, City of Johannesburg - Sandton, Gauteng 2128
South Africa
The club has 6 tennis courts, three of which have floodlights.
The social section is very active and we host organised tennis every Saturday from 2pm.
There is also social tennis on a Sunday morning. Once every 6 weeks, we host a very popular social Round Robin where all players are welcome.
Our league players are just as enthusiastic. Currently we have about 24 members active in the leagues. These leagues include Men’s, Ladies and Mixed.
Our Men’s Side is currently in the Premier League. We have two Junior Leagues who play on a Sunday afternoon.
Our Club Championships take place in October and November. Sections are singles, doubles, mixed, over 40 and under 21.
Under 21’s good enough to play are encouraged to come to Social the first weekend of each month.
Secure parking is available at the club.
Change rooms with showers are available at the clubhouse.