2023135 Winelands Cavaliers Mini Masters
23rd Nov, 2023 - All players and parents note that there will be much activity around Strand Tennis Club on Sat 25 Nov: Rugby 10's from 11h00, a wedding in the CM hall as well as a squash tournament. Parking space is limited inside, please show patience when entering the gate from Church street. There will be 30 parking spaces allocated for tennis on the grass behind courts 5-8 and you'll need the attached "gate pass" to enter the…
22nd Nov, 2023 - Team photos will be taken of all 8 players before matches start: MS, WS and B16 must be at the venue by 7h45 for photos to be taken; G16, B14 and G14 must report at the venue by 9h00; B12 and G12 must be there at 10h15 please.
20th Nov, 2023 - Please note the TSA tournament regulations for this event: Right of admission reserved. No dogs allowed unless it’s a certified service dog. No smoking/vaping allowed anywhere in or around the venue, the courts, stands and seating areas, bathroom areas or any indoor areas. The only designated smoking area is the car parking area.
20th Sep, 2023 - Three (3) Winelands Cavaliers Mini Series events were played in the course of 2023. Your best performance in minimum of two (2) of these events will count towards possible qualification for the year-end Winelands Cavaliers Mini Series Masters event. No wild cards will be awarded at this Masters event.

Strand, Western Province, City of Cape Town - Strand, Western Cape 7140
South Africa